Thanks a lot.
We are set READ one, WRITE ANY. Is this better than QUORUM in performance.


Do you think the cassandra  Cluster (with 2 or  nodes) should be always faster 
than Single one node in the reality and theory?
Or it depends?

Thanks again!

----- Original Message ----
From: Per Olesen <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 3:33:20 PM
Subject: Re: Quick help on Cassandra please: cluster access and performance

> How to set  "write and read with QUORUM"?

You set this through each thrift api call you are making through your java 
code. See

> They are run physically separate hw (But same since they are VM)

So they share disk.

I think this can have an influence. As I understand it, cassandra can be fast 
on writes because its storage format is designed so that it needs to do very 
few random io, which results in fever seeks. And I think part of the good read 
performance comes from data on keys being distributed onto different nodes, 
which then means distributed reads on separate disks.

When nodes share disk, I think a lot of this is negated.


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