Would you please tell the performance you measured? Although I don't
have any experience relating to flash-drive, I'm very interested in
switching to SSD.
So far from my benchmark, the bottleneck of cassandra just doesn't seem
to be disk_io, but memory.
Kevin Yuan,
Supertool Corp.
On 2010年06月07日 23:37, Héctor Izquierdo wrote:
Hi everyone.
I wanted to know if anybody has had any experience with cassandra on
flash storage. At work we have a cluster of 6 machines running
Tokyotyrant on flash-io drives (320GB) each, but performance is not
what we expected, and we'are having some issues with replication and
availability. It's also hard to manage, and adding/removing nodes is
pure hell.
We can't afford test hardware with flash storage right now, so could
somebody share his experience?
Thank you very much
Héctor Izquierdo