Mike, yep, there are a lot of benchmarks proving it (plus it just makes sense)


-Ben Standefer

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Mike Subelsky <m...@subelsky.com> wrote:
> Ben,
> thanks for that, we may try that.  I did find an AWS forum tidbit from
> two years ago:
> "4 ephemeral stores striped together can give significantly higher
> throughput for sequential writes than EBS."
> http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/thread.jspa?messageID=125197&#125197
> -Mike
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Ben Standefer <b...@simplegeo.com> wrote:
>> The commit log and data directory are on the same mounted directory
>> structure (the 2 RAID 0 striped ephemeral disks) rather than using 1
>> of the ephemeral disks for the data and 1 of the ephemeral disks for
>> the data directory.  While it's usually advised that for disk
>> utilization reasons you keep the commit logs and data directory on
>> separate disks, our RAID0 configuration gives us much more space for
>> the data directory without having to mess with EBSes.  We've found it
>> to be fine for now.
>> I see how my XFS snapshots reference was confusing.  Our plan is to
>> have a single AZ use EBSes for the data directory so that we can more
>> easily snapshot our data (trusting that our AZ-aware EndPointSnitch),
>> while other AZs will continue ephemeral drives.
>> -Ben Standefer
>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Mike Subelsky <m...@subelsky.com> wrote:
>>> Ben,
>>> do you just keep the commit log on the ephemeral drive?  Or data and
>>> commit? (I was confused by your reference to XFS and snapshots -- I
>>> assume you keep data on the XFS drive)
>>> -Mike
>>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Ben Standefer <b...@simplegeo.com> wrote:
>>>> We're using Cassandra on AWS at SimpleGeo.  We software RAID 0 stripe
>>>> the ephemeral drives to achieve better I/O and have machines in
>>>> multiple Availability Zones with a custom EndPointSnitch that
>>>> replicates the data between AZs for high availability (to be
>>>> open-sourced/contributed at some point).
>>>> Using XFS as described here
>>>> http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=1663
>>>> also makes it very easy to snapshot your cluster to S3.
>>>> We've had no real problems with EC2 and Cassandra, it's been great.
>>>> -Ben Standefer
>>>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Eric Evans <eev...@rackspace.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 11:29 +0300, David Boxenhorn wrote:
>>>>>> We want to try out Cassandra in the cloud. Any recommendations?
>>>>>> Comments?
>>>>>> Should we use Amazon? Rackspace? Something else?
>>>>> I personally haven't used Cassandra on EC2, but others have reported
>>>>> significantly better disk IO, (and hence, better performance), with
>>>>> Rackspace's Cloud Servers.
>>>>> Full disclosure though, I work for Rackspace. :)
>>>>> --
>>>>> Eric Evans
>>>>> eev...@rackspace.com
>>> --
>>> Mike Subelsky
>>> oib.com // ignitebaltimore.com // subelsky.com
>>> @subelsky // (410) 929-4022
> --
> Mike Subelsky
> oib.com // ignitebaltimore.com // subelsky.com
> @subelsky

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