I think (but not sure, please correct me if required), that after you
change token, nodes just receive new data, but don't immediate deletes
old one. It seems like "clean" will mark them as tombstone and it will
be deleted when you run "compact" after GCGraceSeconds seconds.
On 31.05.2010 17:00, Ran Tavory wrote:
Do you think it's the tombstones that take up the disk space?
Shouldn't the tombstones be moved along with the data?
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Maxim Kramarenko
<maxi...@trackstudio.com <mailto:maxi...@trackstudio.com>> wrote:
You likely need wait for GCGraceSeconds seconds or modify this param.
Thus, a delete operation can't just wipe out all traces of the data
being removed immediately: if we did, and a replica did not receive
the delete operation, when it becomes available again it will treat
the replicas that did receive the delete as having missed a write
update, and repair them! So, instead of wiping out data on delete,
Cassandra replaces it with a special value called a tombstone. The
tombstone can then be propagated to replicas that missed the initial
remove request.
Here, we defined a constant, GCGraceSeconds, and had each node track
tombstone age locally. Once it has aged past the constant, it can be