I've secretly started working on this but nothing to show yet :( I'm calling it SliceDiceReduce or SliceReduce.

The plan is to use the js thrift bindings I've added for 0.3 release of thrift (out very soon?)

This will allow the supplied js to access the results like any other thrift client.

Adding a new verb handler and SEDA stage that will execute on a local node and pass this nodes slice data into the supplied js "dice" function via the thrift js bindings.

The resulting js from each node would then be passed into another supplied js reduce function on the starting node.

The result of this would then return a single JSON or string result. The reason I'm keeping the results in json is you can do more than filter. You can do things like word count etc.

Anyway this is little more than an idea now. But if people like this approach maybe I'll get motivated!


On May 27, 2010, at 7:36 PM, Steve Lihn <stevel...@gmail.com> wrote:

Mongo has it too. It could save a lot of development time if one can figure out porting Mongo's query API and stored javascript to Cassandra. It would be great if scala's list comprehension can be facilitated to write query-like code against Cassandra schema.

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Vick Khera <vi...@khera.org> wrote:
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote: > There definitely seems to be demand for something like this. Maybe for 0.8?

The Riak data store has something like this: you can submit queries
(and map reduce jobs) written in javascript that run on the data nodes
using data local to that node.  It is a very compelling feature.

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