Hi all,

I'm currently working on translating cassandra wiki to Japanese.
Cassandra is gaining attention in Japan, too. :)

I noticed that for those who have browser locale with 'ja', accessing
top page of cassandra wiki (http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra) displays
Japanese default front page
(http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/フロントページ), not the one wanted

Since the front page for Japanese locale is not editable, I cannot
make any change to it.
(FrontPage is translated into Japanese, but with the name FrontPage_JP.)

Can I get privilege to edit Japanese front page above?
Or, can someone from dev team edit above front page so that everyone
with browser locale 'ja' get redirected to 'FrontPage_JP'?
(Just put '#redirect FrontPage_JP' in first line of

Thanks in advance,

Yuki Morishita
t:yukim (http://twitter.com/yukim)

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