On 20 May 2010 20:17, David Wellman <da...@tynt.com> wrote:

> I have a 5 node cassandra cluster and I am wondering if there is any
> advantage of setting up a connection pool that is balanced across all 5
> nodes (IE: 50 connections = 10 per node) over one pool all to one server (50
> connection => one node)

Depends on how many app servers you have and what your overall
infrastructure looks like.

Finding a working server to connect to is a (moderately) hard problem. Your
app servers can try all the ones they know about until they find a working
one, but doing that for each request is very expensive.

Your app servers could find one that works and keep using it until it

Another option is to run Cassandra nodes locally on your app servers, this
makes capacity planning harder, but makes connecting easier as they can just
always connect to a local instance.

I wonder if any of the other Cassandra client layers have a mechanism for
picking a working server?


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