Hi. I am neebie in Cassandra. I study and compare performance of databases for choose my future architecture.
I try to load a lot of datas in cassandra. I use python with protocol thrift (very simple, whithout threading) I do sequentials requests : client.batch_mutate and client.get_slice. (around 1M mutate y 0.3M get mixed for 10 columns family) I didn't wait between each request. I use only one node (I have the same probleme with 2 nodes) It's start fine, but in the middle of the load during an transport.open() I have this exception : TTransportException.NOT_OPEN error with the message : could not connect to <IP>:<PORT> The server didn't respond for seconds ( between 1 and 30) After, it's work again... I turn the log to DEBUG, When the server did'nt respond, I have this message : Disseminating load info... Whats mean this ? I had forget something ? What is wrong ? How avoid it ? Thanks for your help.