On 2010-05-17 12:51, Brandon Williams wrote:
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Ronald Park <ronald.p...@cbs.com <mailto:ronald.p...@cbs.com>> wrote:


    We are getting our feet wet with Cassandra and have a test
    environment set up to do some heavy data insertion. [Heavy is
    relative: we are talking about 1M inserts in a 3 hours test.

    Twice while running these tests, when we've tried to use
    'nodetool' about an hour or so into the test, to run a command
    like 'info' or 'tpstats' and the Cassandra node we attached to
    raised OOM error.

Does it only happen under load, or does it also OOM when idle? If the latter, it sounds like you're connecting it to the thrift port instead of the jmx port, which would trigger https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-601

Same bug but a different way to trigger it: mixing framed and non-framed transport. I had switched a node to use framed transport to look at Chiton but didn't change the nodetool configuration.

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