
>From my understanding, Cassandra entities are indexed on only one key, so
this can be a problem if you are searching for example by two values such as
if you are storing an entity with a x,y then wish to search for entities in
a box ie x>5 and x<10 and y>5 and y<10. MongoDB can do this, Cassandra
cannot due to only indexing on one key.

Cassandra can scale automatically just by adding nodes, almost infinite
storage easily, MongoDB requires database administration to add nodes,
setting up replication or allowing sharding, but not too complex.

MongoDB requires you to create sharded keys if you want to scale
horizontally, Cassandra just works automatically for scale horizontally.

Cassandra requires the schema to be defined before the database starts,
MongoDB can have any schema at run-time just like a normal database.

In the end I choose MongoDB as I require more indexes than Cassandra
provides, although I really like Cassandras ability to store almost infinite
amount of data just by adding nodes.

Thanks, Phil

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 5:57 AM, S Ahmed <sahmed1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried searching mail-archive, but the search feature is a bit wacky (or
> more probably I don't know how to use it).
> What are the key differences between Cassandra and Mongodb?
> Is there a particular use case where each solution shines?

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