This would be a solution if I wanted to get the N most recently CREATED guids, 
but I'm interested in the most recently SEEN guids.

On May 8, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Ed Anuff wrote:

> Is there a reason you can't use time-based guids?  Those would be sorted the 
> way you wanted.
> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 8:31 PM, William Ashley <> wrote:
> Hopefully I’ve sufficiently explained what I’m trying to do. Now on to 
> solving this problem in Cassandra. I’ve been trying to find a way that allows 
> both of the above operations to be performed efficiently. Updates are a 
> breeze with a structure like this:
> // Row key is userId
> 12345 : {
>  // Column name is guid
>  ‘256fb890-5a4b-11df-a08a-0800200c9a66’ : {
>    // Column timestamp is last time guid was seen
>    timestamp : 387587235233
>  }
> }

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