Hi This data structure recognizes to the way based on the idea of Eventually Consistency of BASE though Bloom filter is adopted for the data structure in Cassandra as shape to allow no limited adjustment.
In a word, there is a problem of generating the false positive rate. Moreover, data is deleted as a common problem to an existing filesystem of OS and the distributed database including BigTable of Google. In the deletion of data, I think that I try to attempt solving by especially using Interval Tree Clocks of Vector Clock that is a kind of the logical clock of Lamport. So question. How in the Bloom filter to detect the false positive rate, or to resolve the problem? My guess is, Merkel Tree and I thought that Tombstone is concerned? PS. Cassandra has contributed to the Wiki's poor ability to Japanese translation. :-) ----------------------------------------------------------- Kazuki Aranami Twitter: http://twitter.com/kimtea Email: kazuki.aran...@gmail.com http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kazuki-aranami/ -----------------------------------------------------------