OK, I have solved my problems with Cassandra data model. Now I am using
Column Families of type Super and SuperColumns with many columns inside.


2010/4/16 Julio Carlos Barrera Juez <juliocar...@gmail.com>

> Hi again,
> First of all, obviously, I have omitted the timestamps to make easy the
> representation, not in the code. Secondly, there are one supercolumn with
> two rows, A and D, all the others are columns, including B,
> with various key-values (1, 2, etc.). I need two levels for my design, it is
> mandatory, it means, I need supercolumns and columns.
> I am trying to introduce key-value(-timestamp) 6, 7, 8 and 9; but when I
> try to do it, the values are not appended to the other ones. Instead of
> this, only the final value of each column is stored.
> I am trying to append values in columns inside a supercolumn,
> but maintaining old values.
> All help will be appreciated. Thank you.
> 2010/4/15 Miguel Verde <miguelitov...@gmail.com>
> Just to nitpick your representation a little bit, columnB/etc... are
>> supercolumnB/etc..., key1/etc... are column1/etc..., and you can probably
>> omit valueA/valueD designations entirely, it would still be understood.
>> Columns in Cassandra always have timestamps, you can't omit them.
>> Can you post a snippet of the code you are using and the error you get?
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:02 AM, Julio Carlos Barrera Juez <
>> juliocar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm working with Cassandra 0.5 and Thrift API. I have a simple doubt:
>>> I want to insert a row in columns inside a supercolumn, like this
>>> (without timestamps):
>>> SuperColumnNameA ==> keyA valueA ==> columnB ==> key1 value1
>>>    ==> key2 value2
>>>    ==> key3 value3
>>>                                                         ==> columnC
>>> ==> key4 value4
>>>    ==> key5 value5
>>>                                 ==> keyD valueD ==> columnE ==> *key6
>>> value6*
>>>    ==> *key7 value7*
>>>                                                         ==> columnF ==>* 
>>> key8
>>> value8*
>>>    ==> *key9 value9*
>>> For instance, I want to insert only key-values 6,7,8 and 9, but when I
>>> try it, I destroy all the others values. What is the correct mode to do it.
>>> I have tries obtaining the supercolumn and adding more values,
>>> bath_insert(), etc, but I always failing.
>>> Thank you.

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