For PHP there's Pandra . As much as
I dislike PHP and ORM's generally (ironic, yes) PHP's array/iterator
interfaces make building a domain model ontop of Cassandra a fairly
intuitive process.


On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:12 PM, aXqd <> wrote:
> Hi, all:
> I know many people regard O/R Mapping as rubbish. However it is
> undeniable that ORM is quite easy to use in most simple cases,
> Meanwhile Cassandra is well known as No-SQL solution, a.k.a.
> No-Relational solution.
> So maybe it's weird to combine ORM and Cassandra, right? Is there
> anything we can take from ORM?
> I just hate to write CRUD functions/Data layer for each object in even
> a disposable prototype program.
> Regards.
> -Tian

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