On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Lee Parker <l...@socialagency.com> wrote:
> I am working on finalizing our backup and restore procedures for a cassandra
> cluster running on EC2. I understand based on the wiki that in order to
> replace a single node, I don't actually need to put data on that node.  I
> just need to bootstrap the new node into the cluster and it will get data
> from the other nodes.  However, would is speed up the process if that node
> already has the data from the node it is replacing?

No, that would speed up repair, but not bootstrap.  See the section on
failure recovery in http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations

>  Also, what do I do if
> the entire cluster goes down?  I am planning to snapshot the data each night
> for each node.  Should I save the system keyspace snapshots?

Yes, since that is where the token is stored.

>  Is it
> problematic to bring the cluster back up with new ips on each node, but the
> same tokens as before?

No.  Just make sure all the old instances are down, before bringing up
instances w/ new ips.


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