On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Anthony Molinaro
<antho...@alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:08:19AM -0500, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
>> Yes, that looks right, where "token really close" means "slightly less
>> than" (more than would move it into a different node's range).
> Is it better to go slightly less than (say Token - 1), or slightly more than
> the beginning of the range (PreviousTokenInRing + 1).  I was assuming the
> latter in my earlier email, but you seem to be suggesting the former?

Right, the former.

> Right, I was mostly wondering if I could speed things up by scping the
> sstables while the system was running (since they shouldn't be changing).
> Then in quick succession removetoken and bootstrap with the old token.
> Probably grasping at straws here :b

Nope, bootstrap ignores any local data.

You could use scp-then-repair if you can tolerate slightly out of date
data being served by the new machine until the repair finishes.

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