My bad. Missed your one-to-one relationship (row key <-> column

On 20 apr 2010, at 19.24em, Christian Torres wrote:

> Mmmm...
> According with this doc that a 
> developer mailed to me It's possible!!
> I sent you as reference
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Mark Jones <> wrote:
> You will have to pull the columns and filter yourself.
> From: Christian Torres [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:50 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Filters
> Hello!
> Is there any way to make filters (WHEREs) in cassandra? Or I have to manages 
> to do it
> For example:
> I have a ColumnFamily with a column in each row whose value is a state... 
> Public or Private, so I want to filter all rows that are private and also the 
> public ones in other form... Beside in that rows I will have names of persons 
> and I'll need to filter by Initials or Complete Lastnames, etc.
> So any idea?
> Regards
> -- 
> Christian Torres * Desarrollador Web * *
> Celular: +505 84 65 92 62 * Loving of the Programming
> -- 
> Christian Torres * Desarrollador Web * *
> Celular: +505 84 65 92 62 * Loving of the Programming

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