In 0.6.0 and trunk, it is located at 

You might be using a pre-release version of 0.6 if you are seeing a fat client 
based InputFormat.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Joost Ouwerkerk" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 4:53pm
Subject: Re: Help with MapReduce

Where is the ColumnFamilyInputFormat that uses Thrift?  I don't actually
have a preference about client, I just want to be consistent with

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Stu Hood <> wrote:

> ColumnFamilyInputFormat no longer uses the fat client API, and instead uses
> Thrift. There are still some significant problems with the fat client, so it
> shouldn't be used without a good understanding of those problems.
> If you still want to use it, check out contrib/bmt_example, but I'd
> recommend that you use thrift for now.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Joost Ouwerkerk" <>
> Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 2:59pm
> To:
> Subject: Help with MapReduce
> I'm a Cassandra noob trying to validate Cassandra as a viable alternative
> to
> HBase (which we've been using for over a year) for our application.  So
> far,
> I've had no success getting Cassandra working with MapReduce.
> My first step is inserting data into Cassandra.  I've created a MapRed job
> based using the fat client API.  I'm using the fat client (StorageProxy)
> because that's what ColumnFamilyInputFormat uses and I want to use the same
> API for both read and write jobs.
> When I call StorageProxy.mutate(), nothing happens.  The job completes as
> if
> it had done something, but in fact nothing has changed in the cluster.
>  When
> I call StorageProxy.mutateBlocking(), I get an IOException complaining that
> there is no connection to the cluster.  I've concluded with the debugger
> that StorageService is not connecting to the cluster, even though I've
> specified the correct seed and ListenAddress (I've using the exact same
> storage-conf.xml as the nodes in the cluster).
> I'm sure I'm missing something obvious in the configuration or my setup,
> but
> since I'm new to Cassandra, I can't see what it is.
> Any help appreciated,
> Joost

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