Hi, Assume I have:
SCF: Projects : { CF:"project1": { 20100101: {cost:10, other columns}, 20100102: {cost:10, other columns}, ..... 20100120: {cost 10, other columns} }, CF:"project2": { 20100105: {cost:12, other columns} ..... 20100115: {cost 12, other columns} } } I know want to display the cost of a project for 2010107-2010109 where the cost is the average of cost in the snapshot (i.e. project1: (3*10/3), project2: (3**12/3)). I was hoping I could do a get_range_slices specifying 'project*' for the columnFamily and a keyRange start: 20100107, end:20100109 but I get an error 'InvalidRequestException(why:unconfigured columnfamily project*)'. This is related to my other post (http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.cassandra.user/4003) but is the right to do here to have a separate 'snapshots' SCF with a key of the snapshot date and the value a CF of projectIds? Many thanks, Col