On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:09 AM, Palaniappan Thiyagarajan
<pthiyagara...@cashedge.com> wrote:
> I am investigating how we can use Cassandra in our application.  We have
> tokens and session information stored in db now and I am thinking of moving
> to Cassandra.   Currently it’s write and read intensive and having
> performance issue.  Is it good idea to move couple of tables and integrate
> with application?


> How do we find out which tables are best candidate for Cassandra?

Use the reporting tools in your existing database to figure out what
the highest-volume tables are, that don't require things like

> I live in bay area and like to know if any group meet in bay area so that I
> can participate and understand more about Cassandra.

There's http://cassandrahackathon.eventbrite.com/, but it looks like
it's full now.

  • Basic question Palaniappan Thiyagarajan
    • Re: Basic question Jonathan Ellis

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