I have a column family the column names are ISO dates, e.g., "20100405" or 
"20100331", and the comparison is set to UTF8String.  I have a unit test that 
spins up a Cassandra instance, inserts a few records, and then tries to a 
reverse traversal of a row by querying with an upper bound of <empty> initially 
and then yesterday for the previously pulled column.

That said, I'm getting unexpected behavior: the initial query with the open 
right endpoint succeeds and pulls the last column for the row, but then it 
starts doing unexpected things.  For the second element, the predicate passed 
to get slice contains a range with an open left bound (zero-element byte array 
for start) and a closed right bound of "20100406" with true specified for 
"reversed" and a fetch size of 1, but it still returns the column for 

Bug?  Misconception on my part?

-- Paul

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