On 04/06/2010 01:36 PM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:
On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 13:24:45 -0700 Mike 
Gallamore<mike.e.gallam...@googlemail.com>  wrote:

MG>  Thanks for the reply. The newest version of the module I see on CPAN
MG>  is 0.08b. I actually had 0.07 installed and am using 0.6beta3 for
MG>  cassandra. Is there somewhere else I should look for the 0.09 version
MG>  of the module? I'll also upgrade to the release candidate version of
MG>  Cassandra and see if that helps.

It takes a few hours for CPAN to update all its mirrors.  I'm attaching
0.09 here since it's a tiny tarball.


Great it works. Or at least the Cassandra/thrift part seems to work. My tests don't pass but I think it is actual logic errors in the test now, the column does appear to be getting cleared okay with the new version of the module. Thanks.

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