Another option is to use a SuperColumnFamily, but that extends the depth
of all such values to be arrays. The "name" and "age" columns would
therefore also need to be SuperColumns -- just with a single sub-column

Like many things in Cassandra, the preferred storage method depends on
your application's access patterns. It's quite unlike the normalization
procedure for an RDBMS, which is possible without knowing future queries.

On 2010-04-06 09:12, Michael Pearson wrote:
> Column Families are keyed attribute/value pairs, your 'girls' column
> will need to be serialised on save, and deserialiased on load so that
> it can treated as your intended array.  Pickle will do this for you
> (
> eg:
>  import pycassa
>  import pickle
>  client = pycassa.connect()
>  cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(client, 'mygame', 'user')
>  key = '1234567890'
>  value = {
>      'name': 'Lee Li',
>      'age'; '21',
>      'girls': pickle.dumps(['java', 'actionscript', 'python'])
>  }
> cf.insert(key, value)
> hope that helps
> -michael
> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Shuge Lee <> wrote:
>> Dear firends:
>> how to store list data in Apache Cassndra ?
>> For example:
>> user['lee'] = {
>>     'name': 'lee',
>>     'age'; '21',
>>     'girls': ['java', 'actionscript', 'python'],
>> }
>> Notice key `gils`
>> I using pycassa (a python lib of cassandra)
>> import pycassa
>> client = pycassa.connect()
>> cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(client, 'mygame', 'user')
>> key = '1234567890'
>> value = {
>>     'name': 'Lee Li',
>>     'age'; '21',
>>     'girls': ['java', 'actionscript', 'python'],
>> }
>> cf.insert(key, value)
>> Oops, get error while save a `value` like above.
>> So, how to store list data in Apache Cassndra ?
>> Thanks for reply.
>> --
>> Shuge Lee | Lee Li

David Strauss
Four Kitchens
   | +1 512 454 6659 [office]
   | +1 512 870 8453 [direct]

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