On Mon, 5 Apr 2010 13:10:38 -0500 Brandon Williams <dri...@gmail.com> wrote: 

BW> 2010/4/5 Ted Zlatanov <t...@lifelogs.com>
>> It would be nice if Cassandra looked at all the available interfaces and
>> selected the one whose reverse DNS lookup returned ".*cassandra.*" (or
>> some keyword the user provided).
>> In other words, when you have
>> eth0 = address X, reverse = "67.frontend.com"
>> eth1 = address Y, reverse = "cassandra-67.backend.com"
>> eth1 should look better.  So maybe ListenAddress could support this in
>> the configuration somehow, as a string spec or a
>> ListenAddressPreferReverse option.  That would let those of us with
>> multiple interfaces use the exact same config everywhere.

BW> You can already accomplish this.  Setup /etc/hosts correctly and leave
BW> ListenAddress blank.

Thanks, that's a much better solution.


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