I don't know if there's some difference between building on Mac and Windows, but I just tried building from the latest git repo and that was fine.
I also downloaded and built the 0.6 src tar ball from apache-cassandra-0.6.0-beta3-src.tar.gz<http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=/cassandra/0.6.0/apache-cassandra-0.6.0-beta3-src.tar.gz> and that was fine too. Now you know you have Java and Ant setup properly, try removing your .ivy2 folder ( C:\Users\rwilson\.ivy2 ) and just running ant (don't specify a target). The build script seems to do all the retrieve stuff, so you shouldn't need to do that manually. Cheers, Chris On 24 March 2010 02:49, Raymond Wilson <raymond.wil...@trimble.co.nz> wrote: > Hi, > > I've been looking at using Cassandra as a distributed database for use > in our server software, which runs on Windows. > > This afternoon I've been trying to get Cassandra installed and running. > Actually installing Cassandra was pretty easy, at least in the steps of > "Download it, setup CASSANDRA_HOME and fiddle with the storage > configuration file", however getting it to run has not been so easy. > Admittedly, this is my first ever attempt at installing and running this > system, so I'm a sort of monkey tester here ;) > > Here's a brief run-down of the issues I ran into trying out Cassandra > 6.0 Beta 3, after installing Java 6 u18 and Cassandra itself (following > the instructions in http://www.mattvv.com/hosting-cassandra-on-windows/, > which may be out of date) > > 1. On running Cassandra, I get messages about the system not being able > to locate a path. Eventually figure out that JAVA_HOME needs to point to > a location in the [Program files]\Java folder, rather that location > itself (newbie error) > 2. After configuring JAVA_HOME correctly, I get errors that the new > logging jar can't be found. I realise I skipped the 'Ant ivy-retrieve' > step in the instructions. So I download and install Ant, configure > ANT_HOME and run it. > 3. I then run Ant ivy-retrieve. Oops, Tools.jar is not present. After > some Googling I determine that I need the JAVA JDK, rather than the JRE > to run it. (If this is a BETA, why does it need the JDK, surely the JRE > alone is sufficient?) I then download and install JDK 6v18 and update my > JAVA_HOME path. > 4. I then run Ant ivy-retrieve again. It starts running (great), then > fails with a generic error trying to get the ivy-2.1.0.jar file. I > copied the URL into Google which promptly downloaded it, so I'm not sure > what's wrong there. I copied the ivy-2.1.0.jar file into the build > folder and tried again > 5. I then run Ant ivy-retrieve again, Success (sort of). The ant job > complains it can't get the file, then notices it's there after all and > proceeds to start building. That fails horribly with many error messages > in the command window. > 6. I ran it again and captured the output (attached to the email). This > explains that lots of things couldn't be resolved. > > Does anyone have a step-by-step, soup to nuts, from ground zero, list of > instructions to get Cassandra installed and running on a clean windows > system? > > As a suggestion, is it worth considering producing Cassandra builds that > contain all the peripheral bits and pieces it relies on (essentially > running the 'ant ivy-retrieve' command and bundling up the results as a > single download/install) so that clueless newbie users like me have a > better chance getting this running? > > Thanks, > Raymond. >