
Are you planning to submit hector to a maven repository?

From: Ran Tavory [ran...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 4:36 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: updates on hector, a java cassandra client

Download ready jars with all required libs are available at 

On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Ned Wolpert 
<ned.wolp...@imemories.com<mailto:ned.wolp...@imemories.com>> wrote:

  Are you going to make builds (jars) of Hector for each supported version of 
Cassandra? Or leave it in source for the time being?

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Ran Tavory 
<ran...@gmail.com<mailto:ran...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hector is a java client for cassandra, see http://github.com/rantav/hector , 
http://prettyprint.me/2010/02/23/hector-a-java-cassandra-client/ , 

Over the past few weeks several contributors and myself added features and 
since I get asked about it a few times a day I thought I might post a public 

With the help of few folks (thanks Arin and other folks) hector now supports 
cassandra 0.5.0, 0.5.1 and 0.6.0-beta. See 

JMX improvements:
I added a number of jmx counters such as: read/sec or writes/sec, max read time 
in the last 10 seconds, mean write time in the last 10 seconds, stddev and 
others. More here http://wiki.github.com/rantav/hector/jmx

Small bugs fixed. Nothing really serious so far, but a few small glitches, see 

C# clone:
Kris and Matt have created a C# clone at http://github.com/mattvv/hectorsharp. 
Thanks a lot guys! I'm told this is almost ready.

Spring and JNDI:
This is actually in the works (thanks Nathan and Peter, and sorry for slow 
response...) but we'll soon have better support for Spring and JNDI

Wiki updates:
I've added a few sections to the wiki http://wiki.github.com/rantav/hector/
My rule of thumb is if I get asked something more than once it deserves a page. 
However, I have a backlog... so not all pages are done and I'd appreciate help 
- if you have questions or you're willing to contribute to the wiki feel free 
to step in.

Contributions are welcome. github is developer friendly, just fork me. If you 
plan a longer term involvement I'll be happy to get more committers in.

Virtually, Ned Wolpert

"Settle thy studies, Faustus, and begin..."   --Marlowe

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