I guess this has been discussed before in the mailing list.

@Jean-Christophe Praud - try changing the comparator in your column Family
tags from "BytesType" to "UTF8Type" in your storage-conf.yml and then
restart the cluster.

Let us know if you can see the human readable column values after that


On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:50 AM, Jean-Christophe Praud <j...@praud.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've got a problem since upgrading to Cassandra 0.6beta2/3. Instead of:
> cassandra> get test1.tags['5464']
> => (column=width, value=500, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=transparent_color, value=000000, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=resolution, value=96x96, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=quality, value=75, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=interlace, value=None, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=height, value=333, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=compression, value=JPEG, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=colorspace, value=RGB, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=colordepth, value=8-bit, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=background_color, value=FFFFFF, timestamp=1268918427)
> I get:
> cassandra> get test1.tags['5464']
> => (column=7769647468, value=500, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=7472616e73706172656e745f636f6c6f72, value=000000,
> timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=7265736f6c7574696f6e, value=96x96, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=7175616c697479, value=75, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=696e7465726c616365, value=None, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=686569676874, value=333, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=636f6d7072657373696f6e, value=JPEG, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=636f6c6f727370616365, value=RGB, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=636f6c6f726465707468, value=8-bit, timestamp=1268918427)
> => (column=6261636b67726f756e645f636f6c6f72, value=FFFFFF,
> timestamp=1268918427)
> Returned 10 results.
> Both queries were run on the same cluster, with CLI 0.5.1 and 0.6 resp.
> The cluster is a 0.6 version, but the data were set in a version 0.5.1
> before I upgraded the server to 0.6beta2.
> New columns I set have the same problem, too.
> Getting invidually each value works, but with the same display problem:
> cassandra> get test1.tags['5464']['compression']
> => (column=636f6d7072657373696f6e, value=JPEG, timestamp=1268918427)
> Also I may have broken something, as I had to copy some missing jars from
> 0.5.1/lib to 0.6beta3/lib.
> I had the same problems with version 0.6beta2.
> Regards,
> --
> Jean-Christophe Praud         -      http://shub-niggurath.com
> Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu n'gah Bill R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtagn!

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