Hi. I've got the following in my build xml:

        <property name="javac.bootclasspath" value="" />

        <presetdef name="myjavac">
                <javac source="1.7" target="1.7" includeantruntime="no" 
bootclasspath="${javac.bootclasspath}" >

The idea is to not alter bootclasspath when the caller did not provide an 
explicit -Djavac.bootclasspath=...
An empty string as the default value works fine with Sun Javac, but it fails 
with: <javac compiler="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter">

     [myjavac] The type java.lang.Double cannot be resolved. It is indirectly 
referenced from required .class files
     [myjavac] ----------
     [myjavac] 1 problem (1 error)

Since the presetdef task does not support conditional attributes I'm asking for 
an advice on how to make it work.

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