Hi, I am trying to setup Eclipse Remote development on raspberry pi for Java as per this page . http://www.raspirecipes.org/archives/218 Unfortunately something has changed since he did . I have managed to correct one of the errors.
I suspect this second error is due to the sshexec command in the remotedebug.xml ant build script. For me the error message is indicating that it defaults to ssh port 22. I hope somebody here who has an in depth understanding of sshexec ant command can give me the information needed to complete my project. my eclipse console error message is : *Buildfile: /home/zahid/Eclipse Java Raspi/org.raspirecipes.helloworld/remotedebug.xmlremotedebug: [echo] "Found application /home/zahid/Eclipse Java Raspi/org.raspirecipes.helloworld/target/org.raspirecipes.helloworld-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" [echo] "Copying application to" [scp] Connecting to <>BUILD FAILED/home/zahid/Eclipse Java Raspi/org.raspirecipes.helloworld/remotedebug.xml:18: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Too many authentication failures for pi from port 56286 ssh2 * *remotedebug.xml file:* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="deploy" default="remotedebug" basedir="."> <property name="raspberrypi" value="" /> <property name="raspberryfolder" value="~/raspirecipe" /> <property name="username" value="pi" /> <property name="password" value="raspberry" /> <target name="remotedebug"> <first id="jars"> <fileset dir="target" includes="**/*.jar" /> </first> <pathconvert pathsep="," property="jar.path" refid="jars" /> <basename file="${jar.path}" property="jar.filename" /> <echo>"Found application ${jar.path}"</echo> <echo>"Copying application to ${raspberrypi}:${raspberryfolder}/${jar.filename}"</echo> <scp localfile="${jar.path}" todir="${username}:${password}@${raspberrypi}:${raspberryfolder}" trust="true" /> <echo>"Starting ${raspberrypi}:${raspberryfolder}/${jar.filename} in debug mode"</echo> <sshexec host="${raspberrypi}" username="${username}" password="${password}" failonerror="true" usepty="true" command="java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=4000,suspend=y -jar ${jar.filename}" /> </target> </project> <http://www.backbutton.co.uk>