Thank you all for the feedback.
I wrote some code to register a custom java.net.URLConnection
URLStreamHandler and stream the contents from memory however.
However I don't think I can avoid making a custom ProjectHelper.
I've noticed that I can't add instances to configure an ant project.
The only way it works as far as I know is if I supply class names that
and can load and
instantiate via reflection.
Can I supply task instances to an ant project?
My goal is to integrate clojure with ant so I can call clojure functions
as ant tasks.
The ideal way to handle this would be if I can supply an instance of a
function (Callable/Runnable/AntTask).
That way I can avoid having to generate java sources from clojure
(clojure can ship sources and compile on the fly).
As I write this email I believe I will have to write a clojure ant task
that has to do this.
But other ideas/feedback is welcomed.
Eugen Stan
+40720 898 747 / netdava.com
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