Hello Glenn,

I don't expect the module name's front slash to be replaced with a file
separator. I haven't checked the code yet. I'll take a look later today.
What operating system are you on and which exact version of Ant are you


On 14/05/19 6:07 AM, Glenn Burkhardt wrote:
> I'm puzzled about which utility should be more flexible about the
> module naming convention.  With Java 11 from OpenJDK, I notice that
>     java --module-path=jaxb-ri/mod -m
> com.sun.tools.xjc/com.sun.tools.xjc.XJCFacade -d out -p generated
> Schema_Specification.xsd
> works as desired, but
>     java --module-path=jaxb-ri/mod -m
> com.sun.tools.xjc\com.sun.tools.xjc.XJCFacade -d out -p
> generated.armisxml Schema_Specification.xsd
> does not (only difference is the use of '\' and '/' in the module name).
> When one tries to use a Java task in 'ant', it translates the forward
> slash to a backward slash, e.g.,
>   <java fork="true" modulepath="axb-ri/mod"
> module="com.sun.tools.xjc/com.sun.tools.xjc.XJCFacade">
>                 <arg value="-d out"/>
>                 <arg value="-p generated"/>
>                 <arg value="Schema_Specification.xsd"/>
>  </java>
> Running 'ant' in verbose mode, it shows that the argument "-m
> com.sun.tools.xjc\com.sun.tools.xjc.XJCFacade" is passed to the Java
> program.
> So, which program should be more flexible?  I haven't found a
> specification of what the module name specification should be. But the
> OpenJDK Java program requires that a forward slash be used.  Should
> 'ant' not translate the forward slash into a backslash?  Or should the
> OpenJDK Java program accept either one?
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