
My IDE generates an Ant script with the run-deploy and run-undeploy targets. 
They internally use the standard <get> task, but they don't check the outcome 
and sometimes return false positive.

The build is customizable by editing the file build.xml that includes this 
generated project file. I want to replace <get> with a macro that additionally 
greps the http response body for the success message.

The main problem is: when the macro tries to call the real <get>, it either 
fails with a stack overflow or with the message: "antcall task calling its own 
parent target". I thought I could fix it with name spaces, but it was too 
complex for me. My current workaround is to re-import 
org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Get with a different task name.

There are some other issues with overriding <get> with a macrodef: the 
generated script calls get either with or without a password, but a macro 
cannot pass unknown attributes to the wrapped tasks. On the other hand, 
<presetdef> can pass them, but it won't let me add the additional checker task.
Macro attributes with default values don't work for the the "password" property 
of <get>, because null and empty string treated differently. There's no way to 
avoid calling the property setter, if the property has a default value in the 
macro instance. My workaround is to have two <real-get> elements in the custom 
script: with and without the password.

This leads to another problem: to invoke one of the <real-get> tasks 
conditionally I have to use <antcall> and because of that I can't support the 
optional children elements of <get>.

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <project default="build" >
                <taskdef name="real-get" 
classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Get" />
                <macrodef name="get">
                        <attribute name="src"/>
                        <attribute name="dest"/>
                        <attribute name="username" default="NOT-SET" />
                        <attribute name="password" default="NOT-SET" />
                                <condition property="mymacro.no.creds">
                                                <equals arg1="@{username}" 
                                                <equals arg1="@{password}" 
                                <property name="mymacro.src" value="@{src}"/>
                                <property name="mymacro.dest" value="@{dest}"/>
                                <property name="mymacro.username" 
                                <property name="mymacro.password" 
                                <antcall target="-get-without-creds"/>
                                <antcall target="-get-with-creds"/>
                                TODO: check download result and optionally fail
                                <echo message="some additional check"/>
                <target name="-get-without-creds" if="mymacro.no.creds">
                        <real-get src="${mymacro.src}" dest="${mymacro.dest}" />
                <target name="-get-with-creds" unless="mymacro.no.creds">
                        <real-get src="${mymacro.src}" dest="${mymacro.dest}" 
username="${mymacro.username}" password="${mymacro.password}" />
                <target name="build">
                        <get src="http://www.calife.com/HTML/test.php"; 

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