There are options for modules, and of course the new module descriptors too
(I can't see much impact on the <manifest> task).

Some summary information here:

Some more detailed here:


On 14 September 2015 at 06:10, Stefan Bodewig <> wrote:

> On 2015-09-13, Christopher BROWN wrote:
> > Java 9's new module system will add extra options for the "javac"
> command.
> > Are there any plans to provide support for this with Ant?
> So far I'm not aware of anybody working on it, but can't imagine we'd
> reject a change either.
> As a workaround there always is <compilerarg> if you want to use options
> not explicitly supported.  In particular this will work for the versions
> of Ant that have already been released.  We've long stopped adding
> attributes for each and every option.  Are there any specific options
> you'd like to see supported?
> Stefan
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