On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

> https://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/manifest.html

But you are not using that task, you are trying to define a new task:

>> > <taskdef name="manifest-version"
>> >            classname="ManifestVersion"
>> >            classpath="..\build_tools.jar" />
>> >
>> > cannot find ManifestVersion
>> > cannot find build_tools.jar

The <taskdef> you have tries to define a new task called "manifest-version",
which is implemented with the class "ManifestVersion" which is to be found
in the jar build_tools.jar.

Apparently, the file build_tools.jar is not present, or not found in the
relative location you provided.  I would question using a classname that is
in the default package space.

Since it appears you are confused on how to utilize existing tasks and
define new tasks in Ant, you may get better help if post what you are trying
to achieve.


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