Thanks, Stefan. I've updated the bugzilla issue with my findings.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Stefan Bodewig <> wrote:
> On 2015-01-26, Gan Dong wrote:
>> I investigated into this problem in our user's environment, and found
>> that it was using Ant-contrib's "forget" task
>> (
> Thanks Gan, that's unfortunate.  Could you please update the Bugzilla
> issue with your findings?  I'll try to validate what you've found later
> this week.
> My first reaction would be to say "get <forget> fixed", but I don't
> think you'll find anybody cutting a new AntContrib release[1] - you can
> try, of course.
> OTOH Ant is not safe from third party tasks not playing to the rules, so
> we'll need to find a way to deal with it.  I'd prefer to avoid
> synchronization.  The exceptions you see are really just a symptom.  If
> we start to accept that LocalPropertyStack sometimes leaks outside of
> "its" thread, this may mean even more trouble spots.  I'm not quite sure
> how to deal with that.
> Stefan
> [1] Technically I'm an AntContrib committer myself and can certainly fix
> the code.  TBH I haven't done anything for the project for years and I
> don't think anybody else has.  In particular I think I'd lack the power
> to publish a new release at SF (never tried).
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