> From: webservices_developm...@csx.com
> To: user@ant.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Need help with ANT javac classpath
> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:06:55 +0000
> Thanks.  
> This is a common build script that we have, so I didn't add fork for the 
> javac task - as it would affect other builds as well, that use the latest 
> java version and follow the default build.
> If it is not possible at all to incorporate something in the common build, I 
> will take a look at separating this one out, but want to avoid it, if I can.
> I had looked at the endorsed directory, but I got the impression that it is 
> to be used when you want to use a later version, not earlier. Is that not 
> true?   Also, if I can use it for earlier version, can I use the JAXB jars 
> from the WEB-INF/lib directory for the path for - 
> Djava.endorsed.dirs=/relative-path-to/WEB-INF/lib?   Would other jars in that 
> location cause any issues for endorsed directory? 
MG>as stated earlier which JAXB jar is loaded depends on which classloader is 
in use
MG>obviously when your container loads servlets  ./WEB-INF/lib should take 
precendence in CLASSPATH
MG>Dominiques link to Glassfish has the best solution:
MG>to resolve correct version of JAXB either:

                                        Place the 2.1/2.2 jaxb-api.jar into 
 This essentially makes your JRE to "JRE 6 + JAXB 2.x". This won't 
affect any other applications
                                        that use this JRE, and it's 
easy. On the other hand, in various scenarios you may not be able to 
alter the JRE.
                                        Use the system property 
java.endorsed.dirs when you launch your application, and have it point to the 
directory that contains 
                                        the 2.1/2.2 jaxb-api.jar. This allows 
you use use JAXB 2.1/2.2 without modifying the JRE. Make sure not to include 
any other JAXB RI jar files
                                        (such as jsr173-api.jar or 
                                        Implement a custom ClassLoader and 
block delegation to javax.xml.bind package, so that code running inside this 
class loader will load the JAXB API
                                        from elsewhere. This is a very advanced 

MG>-Djava.endorsed.dirs= has the least side-effects which says for this 
execution only java.endorsed.dirs will take precedence

-----Original Message-----
> From: Dominique Devienne [mailto:ddevie...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 11:30 AM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Re: Need help with ANT javac classpath
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 5:15 PM, WebServices Development < 
> webservices_developm...@csx.com> wrote:
> > P.S - I tried adding includejavaruntime="false"   and
> > includeantruntime="false" attributes -  both together as well as 
> > individually - to the javac task - but I still get the error.  The 
> > error is  -  createBinder() in ObjectFactory cannot override 
> > createBinder() in JAXBContext
> >
> Did you fork="true" too, for <javac>? That way you can have better control of 
> the environment the JDK javac (implemented in Java) runs with, separate the 
> from environment Ant itself runs in.
> Also look into
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/standards/
> A quick Google also turned up
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16215409/is-it-possible-to-replace-the-version-of-the-jaxb-implementation-in-java-jre-1-6
> --DD
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