The Apache IvyDE project is pleased to announce its 2.2.0 release.

The Apache IvyDE Eclipse plugin integrates Apache Ivy's dependency management 
into Eclipse. It lets you manage your dependencies declared in an ivy.xml in 
your Java Eclipse projects, or any other kind of project which needs dependency 
management. Apache IvyDE will contribute to the classpath of your Java project 
or you can make it retrieve your dependencies directly into your project. Last 
but not least Apache IvyDE offer editors of ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml files 
with completion. Get some preview here:

Major changes in this release:
* the API of IvyDE has been stabilized so that third party plugins can rely on 
* while still not complete, and still not advertised as stable in Ivy, support 
of OSGi has been added,
* javadoc and source attachement can be edited now one by one,
* improved stability of the resolve process,
* improved logging for easier debugging.

* this release is expected to work with every version of Ivy 2.1 or superior. 
The OSGi features require Ivy 2.3.0 or superior though.

This release is considered as stable. The beta of 2.2.0 has been out for a 
(too) long time.

A more detailed release notes can be read there:

Download the 2.2.0 release at:

Or use directly the Apache IvyDE's updatesite:

Issues should be reported to:

More information can be found on the Apache IvyDE website:

On the behalf of the Ant PMC,
Nicolas Lalevée

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