I do not want to continue to use the below construct because this lists the 
complete set of jars and the classpath length is going above 14000 characters.  
Want to shorten it.  This is what we are doing at the moment.

Ant should accept wildcard classpath because it is supposed to be implemented 
in ANT starting with version 1.8.2 according to the documentation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Welsh, Armand [mailto:awe...@statestreet.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 3:40 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: Which javac does ant use in its "javac" task?

I understand this won't answer your question, but why wouldn't you just build 
your classpath using the path element tag, and let ANT build the fully 
qualified list instead of using wildcards in the javac classpath?  You can do 
what you want like this:

        <path id="project.class.path">
                <fileset dir="/home/ab/antcode/build/classes" 
                <fileset dir="/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/lib" 
includes="**/*.*" />
                <fileset dir="/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/plugins" 

        <javac listfiles="true" srcdir="${source.dir}" deprecation="true" 
debug="true" debuglevel="source,lines">
                <classpath refid="project.class.path" />

>From what I understand about ant, unless you set fork=true, it will use the 
>internal compiler in the current running jre/jdk, it doesn't actually call the 
>javac executable on the filesystem.  So, in this way, I don't see why the 
>javac target's classpath should accept wildcards in the classpath since you 
>aren't using the command line parser of the javac executable.

Of course, I don't really know how ant makes the actual javac call I am 
extrapolating this from what little details do exist in the documentation.

-----Original Message-----
From: WebServices Development [mailto:webservices_developm...@csx.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 5:40 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: Which javac does ant use in its "javac" task?

Thank you.  I presume this is answer to my first question - Which javac does 
ant use? Is it in the ANT code that doesn't process the wildcard classpath?  Is 
this javac class a java compiler class, or just a class that defines ANT's 
javac task ?   If it is a compiler, then does it mean that ANT's javac is 
having trouble dealing with wildcard classpaths then?

Then, What role does JAVA_HOME play when using ANT?

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:mgai...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:00 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: Which javac does ant use in its "javac" task?

you will find a javac key in 
 defaults.properties is wholly contained within ant.jar inside 

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 > From: webservices_developm...@csx.com
> To: user@ant.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Which javac does ant use in its "javac" task?
> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 23:38:40 +0000
> Sorry, there was a typo on javac call classpath.  It should have been
> JAVA_HOME=/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/java/bin
> export JAVA_HOME
> JDK_HOME=/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/java
> export JDK_HOME
> /opt/local/software/websphere/v7/java/bin/javac -verbose -d 
> /home/ab/antcode/build/classes -classpath 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/WebContent/WEB-INF/
> lib/*:/home/ab/antcode/build/classes:/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/
> lib/*:/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/plugins/*: -sourcepath 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/src -target 1.6 
> -g:none -source 1.6 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/src/com/xxx/xxxStar
> ter/event/*.java 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/src/com/xxx/xxxStar
> ter/vo/*.java > commandline.log 2>&1
> Command line
> -classpath 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/*:/home/ab/antcode/build/classes:/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/lib/*:/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/plugins/*:
> Ant
> <classpath 
> path="/home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/WebContent/WE
> B-INF/lib/*;/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/lib/*;/opt/local/software
> /websphere/v7/plugins/*"/>
> _____________________________________________
> From: WebServices Development
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:06 PM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: RE: Which javac does ant use in its "javac" task?
> Actually, currently I am testing with hardcoding the classpath as in 
> below task definition.  I ultimately want to create a classpath from a 
> string, but that is next question, if I can get this working.  This is 
> the same path I am using in my commandline javac call
>         <!-- Compile Classes -->
>         <target name="compile" depends="init, prepare" description="Compile 
> the classes">
>                 <property name="myclasspath" refid="test.classpath"/>
>                     <echo message="myclasspath= ${myclasspath}"/>
>                 <javac srcdir="${src.paths}"
>                        failonerror="true"
>                        includeantruntime="false"
>                        destdir="${build.dir}/classes"
>                         debug="${javac.debug}"
>                        debuglevel="${javac.debuglevel}"
>                        verbose="true"
>                        memoryMaximumSize="${javac.memoryMaximumSize}"
>                      fork="yes"
> executable="/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/java/bin/javac"
>                        source="1.6"
>                        target="1.6">
>             <classpath 
> path="/home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/*;/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/lib/*;/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/plugins/*"/>
>                 </javac>
>         </target>
> Commandline javac call
> JAVA_HOME=/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/java/bin
> export JAVA_HOME
> JDK_HOME=/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/java
> export JDK_HOME
> /opt/local/software/websphere/v7/java/bin/javac -verbose -d 
> /home/ab/antcode/build/classes -classpath 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/CSXStarterWeb/WebContent/WEB-I
> NF/lib/*:/home/ab/antcode/build/classes:/opt/local/software/websphere/
> v7/lib/*:/opt/local/software/websphere/v7/plugins/*: -sourcepath 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/src -target 1.6 
> -g:none -source 1.6 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/src/com/xxx/xxxStar
> ter/event/*.java 
> /home/ab/antcode/RAD8ProjectsWAS7Server/StarterWeb/src/com/xxx/xxxStar
> ter/vo/*.java > commandline.log 2>&1
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maurice Feskanich [mailto:maurice.feskan...@oracle.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:41 PM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Re: Which javac does ant use in its "javac" task?
> Without knowing how you are creating the classpath for ant to use, it is 
> impossible to say why it is not working for you.  It may be something as 
> simple as using the wildcard in a way that has ant expanding it rather than 
> it being passed through to javac.
> Maury
> On 01/14/13 17:23, WebServices Development wrote:
> > I am using ant 1.8.4.  My JAVA_HOME is set to the location of JDK 7.  I 
> > have a set of classes that use a list of jars from a given library location.
> >
> > When I use command line jdk to do the compile it gives different results 
> > from using ant script to do the compile.  The classpath definition is same 
> > in both cases.
> >
> > In the command line execution, it expands the wildcard classpath that is 
> > introduced in JDK 6.
> >
> > In ANT execution, it does not expand the list, so the compile fails.
> >
> >  From what I have read, ANT is supposed to support wildcard classpaths with 
> > version 1.8.2 and I am on version 1.8.4.
> >
> > So, the questions I have are
> >
> > -  Which javac does ant use? Is it in the ANT code that doesn't process the 
> > wildcard classpath?
> >
> > -  What role does JAVA_HOME play when using ANT?
> >
> > -  How can I resolve the issue, so I can use ANT with wildcard classpath ?
> >
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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