Hi Martin,
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> it appears that a upstream entity is concatenating 2 folder names (instead of 
> one) into your dir attribute ${gora.avsc.dir}  so when ${gora.avsc.dir} is 
> referenced during a file readan IO error occurs

I understand exactly what you are saying.
I found this thread
Which looked horribly convoluted, so I simplified the code a bit.

 <fileset dir="${gora.avsc.dir}" id="gora.avsc.files">
  <include name="**/*.avsc"/>
 <pathconvert property="avrofiles" refid="gora.avsc.files"/>

 <target name="generate-gora-src"
  description="--> generate the Java files from the Gora schema(s) in
  <java classname="org.apache.gora.compiler.GoraCompiler" fork="true">
   <classpath refid="classpath"/>
   <arg value="${avrofiles}"/>
   <arg value="${src.dir}"/>

This gives the following output

     [java] 12/12/01 20:42:45 INFO compiler.GoraCompiler: Compiling
to ./src/java
     [java] Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException:
(No such file or directory)

So again it looks like its concatenating the string. I'm maybe
thinking however that this has to do with the Java class that I'm
invoking. I'm questioning how it reads in multiple files before
compiling. I think this is where the problem is.

I'll keep hacking, then call back with the good news... when I get some :0)
Thanks for your suggestions to date. I've certainly learned more about
Ant today.

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