You can use macrodefs to make it more readable to others. 

First define a macrodef something like as follows

<macrodef name="forked-xslt">
<attribute name="in"/>
<attribute name="out/>
<attribute name="style"/>
 <java jar="${saxon}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="256m">
        <arg value="-s:@{in}"/>        
<!-- XSLT stylesheet -->
       <arg value="@{style}"/>

Now you can invoke the macrodef as follows

<forked-xslt in="command-spreadsheet.xml" out="out.xml" style="intermed.xsl"/>

 From: Mark Giffin <>
To: Ant Users List <> 
Cc: Vimil Saju <> 
Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2012 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: Increase Java heap within xslt task?
I assume you mean running the java task with the fork attribute set to 
true, not the xslt task. Nothing is wrong with using the java task, but 
I thought it might be a little easier for someone else to understand if 
I used the xslt task instead. But this seems like more trouble than it 
is worth.

Thanks for your help!

On 8/5/2012 7:02 PM, Vimil Saju wrote:
> max heap memory size is a jvm level setting that the xslt task has no control 
> over. The only way to specify a different heap memory size for the xslt task 
> is to run it in a different jvm, Running the xslt task by setting the fork 
> attribute to true as you showed in the second approach is the way to go. What 
> is wrong with this approach?
> ________________________________
>   From: Mark Giffin <>
> To: Ant Users List <>
> Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2012 5:53 PM
> Subject: Increase Java heap within xslt task?
> How can I increase the memory for the xslt task from within Ant 1.8.4, not 
> with an environment variable? I am using Saxon by specifying the Saxon jar 
> classpath in this target:
>    <target name="commands">
>      <xslt in="command-spreadsheet.xml" out="out.xml"
>        style="intermed.xsl" force="true">
>        <classpath location="${saxon}" />
>      </xslt>
>    </target>
> This transform job crashes with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" 
> unless I set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx256m. But I don't want to have to depend on an env 
> variable. Is there a way to increase JVM heap space within the xslt task? I 
> can run this same transform successfully with the java task like this, using 
> the maxmemory attribute to increase the heap space:
>    <target name="old">
>      <java jar="${saxon}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="256m">
>        <!-- Source file -->
>        <arg value="-s:command-spreadsheet.xml"/>
>        <!-- XSLT stylesheet -->
>        <arg value="-xsl:intermed.xsl"/>
>      </java>
>    </target>
> There is no maxmemory attribute for the xslt task. I would rather use the 
> xslt task if I can.
> Thanks,
> Mark

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