Hi all, I'm getting files and directories out of SVN with SvnAnt. Some of the directories are empty. Then I'm using the <tar> task to put them into tar files. I would like the empty directories to be in the tar file, but I can't get the <tar> task to include them. Here is my tar target:
<target name="tar"> <patternset id="ksh.file"> <include name="**/*.ksh" /> </patternset> <patternset id="other.file"> <exclude name="**/*.ksh" /> </patternset> <tar destfile="mytarfile.tar"> <tarfileset dir="${my.dir}" prefix="app" filemode="${ksh.file.perm}" dirmode="${dir.perm}"> <patternset refid="ksh.file" /> </tarfileset> <tarfileset dir="${my.dir}" prefix="app" filemode="${other.file.perm}" dirmode="${dir.perm}"> <patternset refid="other.file" /> </tarfileset> </tar> </target> I've tried using a number of different patterns, including **/*, **/**, and **/. I've also tried directory sets in my <tar> task. Thanks.