On Jul 25, 2012, at 10:59 AM, Pepersack, Bob G wrote:

> I'm using the tar task with tarfilesets to create tar files on Windows 7.  
> I'm using the filemode attribute of the tarfileset type to set the UNIX 
> permissions on the files contained by the tar.  Then, I upload the tars to 
> our UNIX server and unzip them with this command:  tar -xvf mytarfile.tar
> I want create -rwxrwxr--  permissions on my .ksh files using filemode="774", 
> but they untar with -rwxr-xr-- .
> For files other than .ksh, I want to create -rw-rw-r--  using filemode="664", 
> but I get rw--r--r--.
> If I set the second digit to zero, then I get the correct result:  
> -rw----r--.  So turning on write permission for the group doesn't work, but 
> turning it off does work.  I've even tried adding a dirmode attribute set to 
> 774 but it didn't help.  I've also run my build in verbose mode and debug 
> mode, but there was no output regarding the UNIX file permissions.
> Here is the target for my tar:
>    <target name="create-tar" >
>        <delete file="${target.app.tar}"/>
>        <delete file="${target.di.tar}"/>
>        <tar destfile="${target.app.tar}">
>            <tarfileset dir="${app.dir}" includes="**/*.ksh" prefix="app" 
> filemode="774" dirmode="774" username="${unix.user}" group="${unix.group}" />
>            <tarfileset dir="${app.dir}" excludes="**/*.ksh" prefix="app" 
> filemode="664" dirmode="774" username="${unix.user}" group="${unix.group}" />
>            <tarfileset file="${fwa.app.ear}" prefix="app/install" mode="664" 
> dirmode="774" username="${unix.user}" group="${unix.group}" />
>        </tar>
>        <tar destfile="${target.di.tar}">
>           <tarfileset dir="${di.dir}" includes="**/*.ksh" prefix="di" 
> filemode="774" dirmode="774" username="${unix.user}" group="${unix.group}" />
>            <tarfileset dir="${di.dir}" excludes="**/*.ksh" prefix="di" 
> filemode="664" dirmode="774" username="${unix.user}" group="${unix.group}" />
>        </tar>
>    </target>
> Thanks.

What's your umask set to on the Unix system?
Rick Genter

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