I'm making a single PDF out of a group of XML documentation files. It's
an API reference document and the items will be alphabetized so input
order doesn't matter.
I want to use a fileset of XML files as input to an XSLT script,
something like this:
<fileset dir="${src.dir}" id="all.docs">
<include name="*.xml"/>
I have been accomplishing this in the past with a manually-maintained
XML file like this:
<root href="myfile1.xml" />
<root href="myfile2.xml" />
<root href="myfile3.xml" />
<root href="myfile4.xml" />
<!-- etc. -->
Right now I pass in the file above to the XSLT processor like this:
<target name="xslt-fo" description="XML to XSL-FO">
<echo>Output FO...</echo>
<java jar="${jar.saxon}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="256m">
<arg line="-w2"/>
<!-- output filename -->
<arg line="-o output.fo"/>
<!-- list of input xml files -->
<arg value="..\all-docs.xml"/>
<!-- XSLT stylesheet to make XSL-FO -->
<arg value="${xslt.fo}"/>
But I'd like to automate it. Is there a way to pass in a fileset instead?
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