Hi, I am automating our build process at the startup I work at. I keep all my classes in user/nightlybuilds/build . and my xml file is at nightlybuilds itself . ( top level dir ). On the other hand, the property files that are needed are in their respective projects. I added the path to the respective projects in the classpath , in the following way :
<pathelement location="${path.junit}" /> But, the only way Ant finds the property files is if they lie in the same directory as the xml file. Using any other way causes "file not found" exception . How can this problem be solved ? ( Yes, I can copy the property files, but, you see, I have lots of selenium test cases and lots of junit test cases. They have different property files , but, same names . I can't overlap . Also, I think there has to be a better solution ) Thanks, *Rohit *