I ended up writing a custom ant task to do this. Unfortunately in both *nix and 
windows you can't always rely on environment variables. On *nix you need to 
read the output of /bin/hostname or on windows read the output of 

Regards, Simon

On 8/05/2012, at 8:28 AM, Eric Fetzer <elstonk...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks Nathan, very helpful.  This is at the top of my build file:
>   <property name="env.HOSTNAME" value="${env.COMPUTERNAME}"/>
> When running with -v, I get this:
> [property] Loading Environment env.
> Property "env.COMPUTERNAME" has not been set
> And then the code below tries to import a property file that doesn't exist:
>   <if>
>     <equals arg1="${env.HOSTNAME}" arg2="buildMachine"/>
>     <then>
>       <import file="properties1.xml" />
>     </then>
>     <else>
>       <import file="properties2.xml" />
>     </else>
>   </if>
> Anyone know of a way to make this work from an ssh call?  Seems like it would 
> be fine because even when I'm running this from a manual login, it's after 
> sshing from my own machine to this build machine...
> Thanks,
> Eric
> ________________________________
> From: "Perrier, Nathan" <nperr...@ptc.com>
> To: Ant Users List <user@ant.apache.org>; Eric Fetzer <elstonk...@yahoo.com> 
> Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 1:17 PM
> Subject: RE: Build directly on machine vs. SSH to machine and start build
> Add -v in your call (or -debug):
>     ant [-v|-d] -f build.xml
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Fetzer [mailto:elstonk...@yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 2:12 PM
> To: Ant Users
> Subject: Build directly on machine vs. SSH to machine and start build
> This is very strange to me.  Here are the 2 scenarios.
> Scenario 1:
> 1)  Log on to buildMachine as user builduser
> 2)  >bash
> 3)  >cd /my/builddir
> 3)  >/opt/apache-ant-1.7.1/bin/ant -f build.xml -Dfull.buildnumber=
> 4)  Build succeeds without issue
> Scenario 2:
> 1)  From a different machine:
>         >ssh -f builduser@buildMachine ". ~/.bash_profile;cd 
> /app/rosstr/build;/opt/apache-ant-1.7.1/bin/ant -f build.xml 
> -Dfull.buildnumber=
> 2)  There are 7 different apps that get built in the build.xml file.  Each 
> get called by the ant task.  Only one of them fails with no indication as to 
> why it failed.
> I've tried loads of stuff.  I echo just before it hits the ant call and the 
> echo outputs.  I've retyped the ant line several times without success.  I've 
> changed the order of this particular ant call and it doesn't matter, it fails 
> when it gets to it.  Here's the code that crashes:
>       <ant antfile="BuildReports.xml"/>
> Not exactly a tough thing to do.  Call the BuildReports.xml file in the 
> current directory...  Anyone have any idea what this could be or what I could 
> do to debug this?  There is no verbose=true on the ant task...
> Thanks,
> Eric

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