I have a macrodef called init that defines an attribute called dest <macrodef name="init"> <attribute name="dest" default="html_content"/> <sequential> <if> <available file="${dest}" type="dir" /> <then> <echo message="Directory ${dest} exist... skiping" /> </then> <else> <echo>Creating directory</echo> <mkdir dir="${dest}/"/> <echo>Creating CSS directory</echo> <mkdir dir="${dest}/css"/> <echo>Creating JS directory</echo> <mkdir dir="${dest}/js"/> <echo>Creating image directory</echo> <mkdir dir="${dest}/images"/> </else> </if> <!-- Copy CSS, JS and any images into their directories --> <copy todir="${dest}/css"> <fileset dir="." casesensitive="yes"> <include name="*.css"/> </fileset> </copy> <copy todir="${dest}/js"> <fileset dir="." casesensitive="yes"> <include name="*.js"/> </fileset> </copy> <copy todir="${dest}/images"> <fileset dir="." casesensitive="yes"> <include name="*.jpg"/> <include name="*.gif"/> <include name="*.png"/> </fileset> </copy> </sequential> </macrodef>
I havea couple questions: 1, How can I replace the ${dest} variable with the value of the attribute. The task is working when called like this: <init dest="html_content"/> <init /> But it is not generating the html_content directory. It is literally generation the ${dest} directory. 2. Is it possible to call it from a different task in the same build file? I want to be able to use the value of ${dest} in other places on the build file but haven't been able to figure out how. Thanks for all your help Carlos
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