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Copy issue ant 1.8.2 windows (Failed copy deletes targeted file even when copy is not attempted)

copy uses overwrite but not force.

Is this fixed perhaps in 1.8.3? Should a bug be created? Any workarounds?

What I assume is happening based on code is targeted file canWrite fails, read-only exception is thrown, and then targeted file is deleted, which succeeds.

The later part is what i observe, read-only exception followed by file deletion. This is not the behavior i would expect.

  protected void doResourceOperations(Map map)
    if (map.size() > 0) {
log("Copying " + map.size() + " resource" + (map.size() == 1 ? "" : "s") + " to " + this.destDir.getAbsolutePath());

      Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Resource fromResource = (Resource);
        String[] toFiles = (String[])map.get(fromResource);

        for (int i = 0; i < toFiles.length; i++) {
          String toFile = toFiles[i];
log("Copying " + fromResource + " to " + toFile, this.verbosity);

FilterSetCollection executionFilters = new FilterSetCollection();

            if (this.filtering) {

            Enumeration filterEnum = this.filterSets.elements();
            while (filterEnum.hasMoreElements()) {

ResourceUtils.copyResource(fromResource, new FileResource(this.destDir, toFile), executionFilters, this.filterChains, this.forceOverwrite, this.preserveLastModified, false, this.inputEncoding, this.outputEncoding, getProject(), getForce());
          catch (IOException ioe)
String msg = "Failed to copy " + fromResource + " to " + toFile + " due to " + getDueTo(ioe);

            File targetFile = new File(toFile);
            if ((targetFile.exists()) && (!targetFile.delete())) {
              msg = msg + " and I couldn't delete the corrupt " + toFile;
            if (this.failonerror) {
              throw new BuildException(msg, ioe, getLocation());
            log(msg, 0);

    File destFile = null;
    if ( != null) {
      destFile = ((FileProvider);
if ((destFile != null) && (destFile.isFile()) && (!destFile.canWrite())) {
      if (!force) {
throw new IOException("can't write to read-only destination file " + destFile);

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