On 2011-12-08, Emma Burrows wrote:

> Apologies for revisiting this issue a week later.

Don't worry.

>> Another approach more in line with your original one is to explicitly
>> set update to false on your modified selector during normal builds and
>> set it to true when you actually deploy the files.

> I don't seem to be able to get this to work. I am using Ant 1.7.1. and
> I have the following code:

> <copy todir="\content\Test\" includeEmptyDirs="false" failonerror="no">
>   <fileset dir="../Output">
>     <modified update="false" />
>   </fileset>
> </copy>

Ant 1.7.1 has a known bug


If you can't upgrade Ant, this should work

<copy todir="\content\Test\" includeEmptyDirs="false" failonerror="no">
  <fileset dir="../Output">
      <param name="update" value="false"/>


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