No, I have to admit that I didn't try it outside of Eclipse, although
I do have a second Ant setup outside of Eclipse so I could do it.
I'm mostly curious about why the build stalled and why nothing in
Eclipse detected that it was in trouble and put out some kind of message
about what was going on. Eclipse seemed to be oblivious to the problem
and actually thought the build was still proceding. Nothing I tried
seemed to change that, aside from actually restarting Eclipse. So I
suppose it's actually more of an Eclipse question than an Ant one.
Perhaps it would be better to ask on the Eclipse forums, assuming I can
figure out which one is best for asking Ant-related questions.....
On 2011-11-19 10:32, Scot P. Floess wrote:
I'm not an Eclipse user...but curious... Have you tried to manually
run your Ant script outside of Eclipse? I'm wondering if maybe
something odd is happening and you aren't seeing it in Eclipse?
On Fri, 18 Nov 2011, Rhino wrote:
I just had an unusual problem. My Ant build stalled in mid-flight
with no messages or warnings to tell me why. I wanted to simply run
it again but every time I tried to start it, Eclipse told me that
there was already an Ant build in progress.
I had no idea how to stop a build which didn't really seem to be
running in the first place. (I started the build and it seemed fine
then went out for a few hours and it seems to have stalled shortly
after I left.) I tried clicking on the red "stop" square but that
didn't seem to have cancelled it. I terminated it and removed it in
the Debug window but that doesn't seem to have killed it either.
Finally, I got it to die by exiting Eclipse and restarting it.
In case this should happen again, what is the right way to kill an
Ant build in Eclipse?
I'm running Eclipse 2.7 with the native Ant, which is Ant 1.8.2. I'm
on Windows XP SP2.
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Scot P. Floess RHCT (Certificate Number 605010084735240)
Chief Architect FlossWare
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