ant -Dbuild.executable=c:/jdk170/bin/javac -Dsource=1.7 -Dtarget=1.7 -f build.xml
build.xml <property name="build.executable" value="${JAVA_HOME}${file.separator}bin${file.separator}javac"/> <property name="" value="${source}"/> <property name="" value="${target}"/> <javac srcdir="${source.dir}" destDir="${classes.dir}" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" includes="**${file.separator}*.java" fork="true" memorymaximumsize="512m" executable="${build.executable}" listfiles="no" debug="true" optimize="true" deprecation="off" includeantruntime="true"> or use -Dbuild.compiler=javac1.7 -----Original Message----- From: Thomas Kluge [] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:56 PM To: ant Subject: Change the Java Compiler Hi everybody, I`d like to compiler the Dacapo Benchmark with the Java 7 Compiler. The Benchmark uses an ant build script. I already changed the Java version in my system, but ant uses still the Java 6 compiler. The Java 7 compiler is just the compiler and not a hole virtual machine. That means I need a possibility to change just the compiler in ordner to build the benchmark with ant. How can i do this (use ant 1.8)? Thanks for help -- ------------ Thomas Kluge Informatikstudent Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena -- ------------ Thomas Kluge Informatikstudent Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: